Do dress for child Crochet

Here are some templates for totally free crochet clothing, this technique allows you to make several models for girls, and you will make them very happy and beautiful because you will montas power many other models of dresses. Use these techniques below you will be able to do, just follow the step by step.

With the skill you already have will be able to develop very models of dresses for girls of all ages, and let your work differently from those of other people, getting gain further.


As we of Beginning Crochet, you also know that every girl for more sports, is a fan of a beautiful dress crochet. Then, hands, make a and give this, with sure she will love.
The variety of models of dresses for girls is too large, there are the dresses without sleeve with sleeve with half sleeve, and there depending on your choice, you can increase, giving a touch fun, for example, if the girl has between 01 and 05 years, you can then, abuse in the colors, in detail and make a very cool part, leaving the child the more beautiful still, after all the whole girl of dress is always a grace. And you will see here in Beginning Crochet one of these models.

In models without sleeve, not to stay that model straight and too simple, which definitely not combines with the girls, we can put on the side, where are the arms, a detail in a color different from that of the garment, which will cause a highlight on the part. The dresses with sleeves and with half sleeves, can also take the same details and the ideal is that the colors of these also are different from those used on dress, with certainty will be beautiful and the child is ready to celebrate any occasion.
Today, the Beginning Crochet brought to you, this dressed in brown color wonderful. I am passionate about this dress. He is very delicate and this accessory for use with him, the left even more beautiful. See below the mold for you prepare for his little girl and leave it graciosa. I hope you enjoy.




 It has been a long time since the parts crochet are seen in our homes, even more when the subject is winter and cold, in this time of the year we still see the famous coletinho crochet exit of the cabinet to warm up. However the fashion now brings the super novelty of parts of crochet pra decorate the walkways and women everywhere.We will see here in Beginning Crochet this trend.

And don't think you that this fashion invaded only the parades of autumn winter does not, because she comes whacking also in spring and summer fashion, are various models for all the stations. The coletinhos crochet give a sophisticated air parts of summer, with their overlap, going up to the trousers, shawls, blouses and accessories.
The garments is currently one of the parts that has given that speak, since made with thinnest lines, provide lightness in parts and make the station becomes even more beautiful and comfortable, besides having an easy molding to the body. Already for the winter lines more rasps and with points more closed, are all the style of the cold, with dresses more met.
What before was seen only as a garment cuisine prepared by our grandmother, took new forms, more vivid colors, with the points of the most varied, they being wide or not, with lines of various thicknesses and mixtures of textures. In addition, now the crochet covers from the modern to sophisticated, reaching all the target publics, as we show here in Beginning Crochet
The vision that had dresses crochet, ara that more demure sensibility, without any neckline, with more "boxes" formats and boom with finishing the rectum, which also have been demystified, because now they have allowed plunging necklines bold, and finishes long, short, balones, wheels, among others.
Check the mold of this beautiful model of white dress and stomp with your new look, here in Beginning Crochet.

Tags: DressesMantle


Today we see here in beginning crochet an accessory simple to do, that of another appearance to your living room. The model was done with a blue ball and one ball white, but you can use the color of your choice.

4.5mm crochet hook

Contrasting dk yarn in two colours.  I used Debbie Bliss Prima (white) – 150m approx. used including that used for the cushion border – and Rowan Wool Cotton -113m.

1 ball each in white and blue makes approximately 10 motifs with left over white for the border – but you may want more for the border depending on how many rounds you add.

Special Stitch: Front Post Treble Crochet – fptr

A post stitch worked in front of the work so it is only visible on the right side.

Yarn over hook twice, insert hook as directed (into a stich several rows below where you are working or about a post of the stitch several rows below).  Draw up a loop (4 loops on hook).  *Yarn over, draw through 2 loops, repeat from *2 more times to complete the stitch.

Note that a post stitch always counts as being worked in the next stitch even though the loops remain unused.

Pattern in beginning crochet:

R5: *sc in hdc, (3sc) in dc, sc in hdc, fptr about sc post in R1 (use whichever post is most directly below), sk next st (so that both sc sts in R4 remain unworked), repeat from * around, join with a sl-st (36sts in R5).  Fasten off white and weave in white ends now if you like, to keep things neat.
Moroccan Hexagon Motif Round 5 - Free Crochet Pattern by Make My Day Creative

Pick up the blue yarn from where you left off.  Work R6 in the unused sc sts of R4 and the back loops left unworked by R5.

R6: ch2 (counts as dc), *dc, hdc, (2sc), hdc, dc, repeat from * around omitting the final dc and join with a sl-st (36 sts)

R7: ch1, 4sc, *(2sc), 5sc, repeat from * 4 more times, (2sc), sc, join with a sl-st (42sts)

R8: ch1, 4sc, *(2sc), 6sc, repeat from * 4 more times, (2sc), 2sc, join with a sl-st (48sts)

Fasten off blue and rejoin white into the first st after a (2sc) group, ch1.

When working the fptr in round 9, work the first one into the centre sc of the (3sc) group made in R5 which is angled slightly backwards of where you are.  Work the second into the centre sc of the (3sc) group made in R5 which is angled slightly forward of where you are.  When you work the next fptrc do the same – there will end up being 2fptr in each sc around.

R9: *sc, fptr, 3sc, fptr, sc, (2sc), repeat from * 5 more times, join with a sl-st (54 sts).

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Working many rounds as you want. I hope you enjoyed and which already choose the color of your choice and start doing. The beginning crochet awaits your comment.


Today, the beginning crochet brings to you an accessory that comes with everything from this station and has already done much success. Are the barefoot sandals. They are perfect for you to use, on the beach and at the pool, leaving your feet very delicate and with styles. The beginning crochet, brought a video teaching some models for you. However, you can use the creativity and innovate, making several models of your preferences. Who imagined that a simple detail, would leave their feet, even more beautiful.

The best is that this accessory it is very easy to do and very fast too. Use your imagination and create your own model. Insert in the guest a picture of your model. The beginning crochet, is open to suggestions. I hope you enjoy.


Looking this photo until one will sllep. Crochet dresses, are preferred among mothers, because are hot and protect babies of the cramps. Let's see here in beginning crochet, model to make this dress gorgeous and let your baby even more charming. Our blog beginning crochet is available for any suggestion.
See you:


Who currently do not think beautiful a butterfly?
Today, we will learn here at the beginning crochet, how to make a more charming environment with crochet butterfly, where even the beginning crochet, will be able to do.
The butterflies raking shaft, are of various types and sizes, ready for use in any type part and illuminating the environment.
The retail crochet is one of the many options in designs that can be prepared with crochet art, and thanks to the beauty of details that these jobs can offer in sizes and models and different, the figure of this insect may be present in bedding, carpets, table games, curtains, towels, glasses of home appliances and other crafts.
Check out the beautiful models and their graphs